More than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day around the world being one of the most demanded beverages. Coffee is definitely a very important product that creates one of the main incomes for many producing countries. Between 20 to 25 million families worldwide make a living from growing coffee and supporting this important value chain that starts with our producers.
At Dinamica we feel proud of our coffee growers and their amazing work year after year that allows us to bring their product to different parts of the world. Being the link between green buyers, roasters and producers is what makes our work very valuable. And today, the International Coffee Day, is the perfect occasion to enhance some of the producers that are part of this social network and thanks to them we keep creating awareness about the amazing Guatemalan coffees!

We asked some members of La Familia, what coffee means to them...

From Finca La Labor and Finca Vizcaya
To me coffee is family union, is coexistence, experiences, and memories which at the end of the day are the most important things that remain with us.

Finca La Bella
Coffee is a special connection to nature, family and tradition.

Finca San José del Lago
Coffee is culture, tradition and a beautiful way of preserving our customs and legacy.
Finca El Pinal
To me, coffee is the taste of my country and it’s the symbol of Guatemala
Coffee brings families together, and this is our motto, coffee connects throughout every person’s experiences, knowledge and flavour. We feel honored to be able to represent the work of these families behind every cup of coffee and bring the best of them to you!