Traceability has become the presentation card to dive into what the producer is doing at the farm in order to deliver the best product of quality. It has become the tool to be in contact with both ends, the producer and the final consumer. It is valuable information that allows them to educate and support and at the same time get involved in the process by providing feedback to the producer on their work.
Traceability is today a powerful tool to be in contact with the origin and for the producer to have a better perspective on what the market needs.

Traceability as a Way of Improvement
Francisco Quezada, part of La Familia Microlot Series and founder of Finca Vizcaya and Finca La Labor, believes that traceability in every part of the process is what helps him and his co-workers make the right decisions on every lot they produce. He explains that each lot coming from his farms follows a strict quality control process in favor of finding their potential, and correlation of the flavour profile to the environment conditions, soil and variety.
Additionally, having enough information about his coffees contributes to the creation of profiles that might be required from certain customers, therefore, keeping control of the information helps to meet market’s demands.
“This information is crucial for clients”, says Rolando Villatoro of Finca Las Rosas in Huehuetenango, also part of La Familia Microlot Series. He explains that providing full traceability of the exact location in the farm a client’s coffee is coming from, allows him to improve the crop based on their feedback. “Sometimes they tell me, <<please send me the coffee that grows at the highest altitude in your farm as it is the sweetest>>, so you have to listen to what they say about your coffee” explains Rolando.

Ethics of The Supply Chain
This way of getting as much information about the crop is also another way of understanding the social, environmental, and economic conditions of the origin. Nowadays, ethics of the supply chain is part of the final product and the client’s purchase decision. Whether a certain coffee comes from a coffee cooperative of small producers or a group of single mothers, or communities impacted by social conflict.
Consumers are asking for more information about their products and coffee is not the exception. Therefore, meeting quality standards, plus providing information about social projects involved in the coffee production, not only adds value but creates a link between origin and consumers.

Traceability as a Way of Branding
More and more producers want to see their names on coffee bags around the world and they are totally right. This is a way of marketing their product, of finding validation and creating awareness about their work. This has become a great recognition for farms, origins, and new processing methods among coffee roasters, besides being a great way to establish connections with different ends of the industry.
Traceability as a way of branding is a strategy for roasters to show transparency with their relationships, to be in the spotlight, and to give recognition to the producer and their amazing work at the farm.
At Dinamica we are very happy to be able to gather under one brand the work of notable producers from different regions in Guatemala. The La Familia Microlots Series that we are launching soon is our pride since producers and buyers are meeting each other through what they love the most, coffee!

Ultimately, the specialty coffee industry has brought us many tools that coffee producers and professionals alike have implemented to work with transparency, honesty and responsibility. Today, being in the spotlight is a big responsibility as values must be met according to the value proposition of every organization. Additionally, traceability keeps evolving through the adaptability of new technologies that will continue strengthening relationships between producers and consumers.